Silence and stillness

Silence and stillness

Silence – what rôle does that play in music, then?

Introduction to The Wandering

Introduction to The Wandering

As well as music I have a passion for photography. Here is where I will, on occasion, talk further.

Lyrics? When do they work?

Lyrics? When do they work?

"Hmmm. I've got some words here, no?"

Lyrics? Who Needs 'em!?!

Lyrics? Who Needs 'em!?!

What, if anything, is the importance of lyrics?

“Please! No talking while we listen!”

“Please! No talking while we listen!”

Is it necessary to be utterly silent listening to music?

"Surprise, surprise!"

"Surprise, surprise!"

That moment when a piece of music envelops you.

For the fish riding a bicycle

For the fish riding a bicycle

For my first blog article I'd like to explain why someone might want to talk about music.