I understand the Australian writer and social activist Irina Dunn coined the phrase “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle...” (subsequently popularised by Gloria Steinem). 

There are some people who, thinking of music, might then say “Music needs 'explanation' like a fish needs a bicycle.” or something similar.

          (There is a story that Ferdinand Ries, friend and pupil of Beethoven, asked him about the famous opening notes of the Fifth symphony. “What does it mean, Ludwig?” Beethoven’s response? “It means ...” He crashed his hands on the piano, playing those four notes.)

In other words - Do we need to talk about music? Can we “explain” music at all? Does music not do its thing without the need for us to talk? 

Hmmm. Perhaps. 

Music is important - Why? People have strong thoughts and feelings about music – me included. What are those feelings? And how do I “know” about music? What is my involvement with music? One must have certain experiences and qualifications to be authoritative about various aspects of music, surely. 

Equally, having great curiosity about music and strong opinions balanced with an open mind might well allow someone to have Something To Say.

So let's explore some of those questions and see what comes out. This little blog will try to deal with many thoughts and feelings I have about so many music thingies. There are, of course, those to whom music is, just, pleasant background. I hope there are opportunities to engage them a little; to fire their enthusiasm.

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